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 Reading Room

 Call for appointment

 Weds 4:00 -5:00pm 

  If we miss you, please call: 707-433-4776


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Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, defined it as “the law of God, the law of good . . . ” (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1). In Christian Science, God is understood to be infinite Love as Christ Jesus taught, and so invariably good that a clear glimpse of this through prayer has the power to heal, to redeem, and restore anyone.

The book Mrs. Eddy wrote, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, together with the Bible serve as the pastor of our church.  

Click here to read the tenets of Christian Science. 

Click here for more info, including links to official Christian Science sites.

Round Podium

All are welcome to attend our church services at 10:30 am Pacific via Zoom or in person. Click here for more information.


All are welcome to attend our annual Thanksgiving service on the fourth Thursday in November at 10:30 am Pacific time. Click here for more information.


You are invited to attend our gratitude testimony meetings every Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm Pacific time via Zoom or in person. Meetings include readings from the Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy; singing hymns; and expressions of gratitude by the congregation for healings experienced through the study of Christian Science.




Our Reading Room at 424 East Street in the building behind the church 

is open Tuesday-Thursday & Friday 10:00am - 1:00 pm, and

Wednesday 4:00pm - 5:00 pm (before the 5:30 pm testimony meeting).

All are welcome. You may also call 707-433-4776 to speak to an

attendant or leave a message. We will happily arrange to provide you

with English and Spanish Christian Science literature, and we invite you

to enjoy our new Spanish Bible Lesson study area as well. 

Please visit our events page to see current themes and activities

 the Reading Room is offering.

Reading Rm


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424 East Street

Healdsburg, CA 95448

Tel: 707-433-4776

Donate with PayPal

© 2022 by Christian Science Society, Healdsburg, CA - a Branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston

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