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Click on the "HYMNS FOR CHURCH" button below for words to hymns.
HYMN 118
Holy Spirit, Light divine,
Shine upon this heart of mine;
Kindle every high desire;
Cleanse my thought in Thy pure fire.
Holy Spirit, Peace divine,
Still this restless heart of mine;
Speak to calm the tossing sea,
Stayed in Thy tranquillity.
Holy Spirit, all divine,
Dwell within this heart of mine;
Bid my troubled thoughts be still;
With Thy peace my spirit fill.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 118:1–3)
Hymn 412
O dreamer, leave thy dreams for joyful waking,
O captive, rise and sing, for thou art free;
The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking,
Unloosing bonds of all captivity.
He comes to bless thee on his wings of healing;
To banish pain, and wipe all tears away;
He comes anew, to humble hearts revealing
The mounting footsteps of the upward way.
He comes to give thee joy for desolation,
Beauty for ashes of the vanished years;
For every tear to bring full compensation,
To give thee confidence for all thy fears.
He comes to call the dumb to joyful singing;
The deaf to hear; the blinded eyes to see;
The glorious tidings of salvation bringing.
O captive, rise, thy Saviour comes to thee.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 412:1–4)
The words of our SOLO this
morning are from
Mary Baker Eddy's poem,
"Communion Hymn".
For those who like to silently follow
the words, go to Hymn # 298
in the Brown hymnal.
And now, our live solo:
Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad sound?
Felt ye the power of the Word?
’Twas the Truth that made us free,
And was found by you and me
In the life and the love of our Lord.
Mourner, it calls you,—“Come to my bosom,
Love wipes your tears all away,
And will lift the shade of gloom,
And for you make radiant room
Midst the glories of one endless day.”
Sinner, it calls you,—“Come to this fountain,
Cleanse the foul senses within;
’Tis the Spirit that makes pure,
That exalts thee, and will cure
All thy sorrow and sickness and sin.”
Strongest deliverer, friend of the friendless,
Life of all being divine:
Thou the Christ, and not the creed;
Thou the Truth in thought and deed;
Thou the water, the bread, and the wine.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 298:1–4)
Hymn 206
O God, our Father-Mother, Love,
Purge Thou our hearts from sin,
That in Thy radiancy divine
We may with eyes undimmed define
Thy will, reality.
O God, our Father-Mother, Truth,
Send forth Thy light sublime,
That in its pure and cleansing rays
We may, with thought attuned to praise,
Behold reality.
O God, our Father-Mother, Life,
Reveal in us Thy might,
That henceforth we may live to Thee,
In all our ways reflecting Thee,
And know reality.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 206:1–3)
Thank you for worshiping together with
us this morning. You and your families
are always welcome on Sundays and
Wednesdays and to our Reading Room
at various times as posted. If you would
like to know when we have a free workshop
or a free Christian Science lecture, or other
activity, please use our "Contact Us" form
to send your favorite contact information.
This church participates in an active healing prison ministry.
You are invited to support this vital work.
Institutional Support:
*April, 2025 metaphysical topic: "Behold the perfect man."
*Prayerfully Support North Bay & Northern California institutions:
Visiting Chaplains: CMF Vacaville (California Medical Facility) & MADF
(Main Adult Detention Facility, Santa Rosa CA)
Past Corresponding Chaplains: CSP Blythe, Stockton, Soledad, Corcoran
*Review State Committee Procedures: 1: Overview, C: Activities. Our ministerial activities
and D: Institutions. We seek to serve all institutions in California where people are
involuntarily committed including: See full text online or at next meeting
*Attend monthly North Bay Institutional Committee meetings the first Friday
of each month at 7:00 pm. Next meeting: April 4th. 7th, 2025 for March. activity reports
*California State Committee website: select "More" + "Links" or go to
*NOTE: North Bay Institutional Committee serves the following counties:
Solano County, Sonoma County, Lake County, and Napa County
*Zoom Note: We are no longer using the Zoom links shown below.
Please use the "Contact us" form to contact us with your question or
Zoom update for your files. Thank you.
Participate via Zoom on computer or by phone:
Monthly Meetings (below)
Meeting ID: 828 3453 9856
One tap mobile: To join our Monthly meetings,
+16699006833,,82834539856# contact us to get on our emailing
list for the new Zoom and other links. Use "Contact us" or our email: csshbg@sonic.net
Dial in for our new phone links beside this one:
+1 669 900 6833
Have meeting ID ready: 828 3453 9856